One More Sleep Till Christmas
It's Christmas in Thailand. And oh what mixed emotions this churns up for me. I am away from family, away from the friends who truly know me and away from the feeling of togetherness that has always made this holiday seem concrete. Yet here I am, full of love, full of holiday cheer and full of reflections on this past year.
My dad sent me an email with clips from my two ABSOLUTE favorite holiday movies, "A Muppet's Christmas Carol" and "It's A Wonderful Life". As I watched the clips, warm tears fell down my cheeks and this surprised me. I was happy to know that he knew me so well as to send me exactly what I needed. A wee reminder of what holiday traditions we shared. These hints of connectedness are the only things I have to keep me grounded during the space away from my loved ones. These little emails, these glimpses of my past life, these overt expressions of love; I soak these in. Appreciate every warm morsel.
Although difficult at times, I needed this time away from the life I once knew in order to become the woman I am today. I feel that my love for those that are not with me has grown deeper, stronger, more fiery than ever. I fear that I have taken some relationships for granted in the past and this chapter has been a blessing for what it has taught me.
This holiday season I carry each and every one of my dear friends and family with me. Sending my love to your soul. Thank you for influencing the woman I am today and for understanding the path I had to take. This time of year has always been one of reflection for me. And this year is no different.
For those of you in arms reach of your kids, parents, grandparents, family, friends, significant others; may you reach out with open arms and open hearts to pull them in close and show them what they mean to you.
I look forward to celebrating this Christmas cooking vegan food and drinks with my new friends and Thai family, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to experience this holiday on a new continent with new customs.
I'm sending you all my love and Thailand warmth. May this holiday season bring you to your place of Zion.
-DW xx