Sa Wa Dee Kah Hua Hin.
Edie and I woke up early at the Beach house on Friday morning. It was a scorcher, but we decided to go for a run anyway.
We left the property—inching our way slowly off the veranda as the barking dogs were eyeing us suspiciously—and made it to the main road. We ran for 30 minutes; finding a groove that I personally felt liberating! I missed running with people! And we chatted along the way too!
“sooo…” *puff puff* “Did your family come out to visit you in Thailand?” *puff puff*
“Yeah…” *huff huff* “But I think they were excited to go back to Michigan after two weeks” *huff huff*
We passed street vendors, chickens, more dogs, men in trucks and gun toting guards.
We returned to the beach house after our run and made a B-line for the sea. I kicked my socks and shoes off and ran knee deep into the warm water. I splashed my sweat-soaked face. Coated my arms. Eventually, my breath began to slow as it matched the ebb and flow of the rolling ocean waves.
After our cool off, we headed back to the house. Ning and Goy were finally awake on the veranda.
We made a quick plan for the day: showers, head to Ning and Goy’s resort ‘Sunset Hua Hin’ as they had some quick work to take care of, get some food, then head to the beach!
After showers we rode with Ning and Goy to The Sunset Hua Hin. I had seen blueprints and designs of this place when I was staying at The Restdot hostel—which I later found out Ning and Goy are the actual owners of!!!—but seeing the Sunset in person was a horse of a different color! This place was paradise! It reminded me of California and my dad’s old construction sites.
People were still hard at work building walls, coating floors, installing electricity etc. It is essentially a shell of a place…but you can see the meat and bones already!
To To who Edie and I had met the night before had done a GREAT job painting murals on a few of the walls of the sunset. I was captivated. Edie and I broke off and explored the work site. I let her take some photos and I stuck my head in vacant rooms, nooks and crannies. I felt 5 years old again, sneaking around my dad’s construction sites. Tempted to touch exposed wire. Smelling fresh coats of paint and secretly liking the noxious fumes. There was a buzz about this place.
Goy’s mom offered to drive us to the nearest mall to get some food since Ning and Goy were still tied up speaking to the CCTV installers.
Walking around in the sun, having had gone on that hot run earlier, and not eating any breakfast was taking its toll. My blood sugar began to drop.
I don’t remember getting into Momma Goy’s car. I don’t remember the ride to the Mall.
Trapped in my body.
I nodded.
“Okay I’ll be RIGHT back! Stay here”
I couldn’t think straight. Dark clouds of those black thoughts flooded my sugar deprived brain cells.
I forgot I had TONS of glucose gel in my bag.
I sat, cold. Goosebumps rose from my skin.
Sounds gave me a headache.
I couldn’t speak.
My eyes darted back and forth.
Was everyone looking at me?
Had I made a scene??
Edie returned with juice and two bowls of vegan rice and veg.
We ate.
“You were fine! Don’t be!” she said reassuringly. “You scared me, you looked really bad!!” she said. She had been texting her nurse friend back in the states asking for advice. She did a smashing job.
After 15 minutes and a hell of a headache, I was back down to terra firma. Part of this world. Not the floaty scary OTHER life of the low.
We got up and walked around. My stomach hurt.
Ning called me and said she would take us to the beach finally. We waited outside for the car.
The beach was glorious! There were hills in the distance, other tops of islands cheekily peaking through the ocean on the horizon. The sand was hot and crunchy in bits, soft and cool in others. Men dressed as cowboys rode tiny horses, yelling at beach loungers to try and get some business.
It was a beach with a pulse.
We dove in. The water was warm. Like a magical bath. Edie and I floated, talking about the divine power of ocean femininity. The link between water and sexuality, the moon and a woman’s cycles. We began to laugh as our splashing time became a “sex ed” health class talk. But I loved it. I believe in it. The moon, the water, the great femininity. I find it beautiful and empowering. If only those blinded by patriarchy were aware of the tremendous feminine power…but I digress.
We got out, ordered drinks. Watermelon slushee with vodka, coconut shake with rum, beers….we were very relaxed.
Ning arrived back to the beach hours later, with Chloe—the jewelry maker from the hostel in Bangkok—in tow. They yelled from the shore. Edie and I were frolicking in the shallows of the ocean. We laughed and ran out to greet them. Ning said she would take us to Goy’s parents flat nearby this beach so we could shower then head back to the mall for manicures and food.
Edie and I hadn’t brought a change of underwear or clothes. We mentioned this, but I think it was overlooked or got lost in translation haha.
We showered at Momma Goy’s and I had no choice but to put on my “shirt dress” with no bra or underwear. I hung my wet towel and bikini up to dry.
Edie at least had shorts and a top on. But we were commando twins.
Our little secret.
We went back to the mall and my earlier memories of the low gave me a sour stomach. the feeling passed. Goy and Chloe got their nails done first. Edie and I found food. We scarfed noodle curry dishes down and had some delicious iced teas.
Then we pottered around the mall to find underwear. I found a shop like Claire’s or Poundland and I bought a pack of “disposable underwear”. Edie and I made a B-line to the bathroom. We cackled and howled from our stalls as we unfolded the “hospital gown” material underwear. It was unusually soft and breathable though. I stuffed the other pairs in my purse…who knows…I may need them later haha.
We went to get our nails done. This was the first time in over 2 years I got a manicure or pedicure. I treated myself. A sea green color that complimented my darker brown skin and Edie a lovely grass green that shone out against her fair skin.
We finished. Our hands and feet were on point.
We met back up with the crew upstairs who had been eating dinner.
We all piled into Ning’s car and headed to the night market. I wanted to find a dress for the beach party that would be on Saturday…but I couldn’t find one. I decided to get post cards instead. I wanted to share this experience with my loved ones and I wanted to write. So I gathered my 7 postcards, 7 stamps, and we headed back to the car.
Off to the bar.
We met To To at this Beer Garden in the Hilton Hotel. More gaudy lights. More cheesy band music. We ordered a beer tower and other drinks. We moved outside. I tried showing off the Thai Edie had been teaching me. We laughed. I spoke French with Chloe. More laughter. It was a table of international bliss.
Back to 7/11 for late night munchies. Then home.
Rolling waves; my lullaby.